Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Started session 8 today and creatinine still low at 2.99. I don't have my Mayo schedule yet but they are working on it.

We had a great Thanksgiving thanks to Fox & Obel Caterers and Matt and my Mom who managed the bird and most of the cleanup. This has never been one of my favorite holidays because it is so labor intensive on both the front and back end but I must say I was really able to enjoy it this year.

Matt is thankful that my creatinine is a 3.0 or lower and that all the boys have a GPA of 3.0 or higher. I was watching Morning Joe on MSNBC the day before Thanksgiving and Donald Trump was on. I was thankful for the excuse of velcade and steroids to explain why I actually thought he made sense. Shades of Ross Perot. Scary!!

Hope everyone had a great Turkey Day and managed to find something to be thankful for even if that meant only surviving the holiday.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Just finished session 7 yesterday and creatinine was at 2.97. I am still not noticing a change regarding my appearance regarding the steroids but I am still on them and I've been on them for so long Dr. Gregory assures me it takes time.

We will be hosting Thanksgiving here but as it is my least favorite holiday (way too much work) we've decided to cater it (although we will cook the bird). Also with 3 dishwashers cleaning up is easier. If it won't go into a dishwasher I don't want to own it.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I haven't been too good about posting lately but that does not mean things aren't going well. I caught a cold last week so stayed in all weekend and have managed to keep it under control.
In the past when I have been fighting any illness or infection my creatinine has bumped up but my number this Tuesday was once again a 3.

I am still treading water and waiting for my trip to Mayo in January so there really isn't much to say. I haven't noticed a lot of difference in my appearance since being on less steroids so I'm still suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder. If things go well at Mayo I am hoping to get off all this stuff and give my body a break. At this point I'd just be happy with a couple of months although years would be great.